Friday, December 23, 2011

Belated Sunday Stealing Meme - Blogging and Other Subjects

As a blogger, what do you draw inspirations from for your posts?

I blog about my life and the experiences I have, some good, some bad. So obviously I draw inspiration from the things I do. But sometimes posts are inspired by the people around me, the family and friends I have.

2. If you could swap blogs with another blogger for a post, who would you switch with and why?

I have had a quest post before. It was written by one of my closest friends, it had a very specific purpose. He was feeling very stressed out. Problems with work, friendships and his relationship were really getting to him and putting pen to paper, figuratively speaking, proved to be a cathartic experience for him. Just sharing the tale with someone else, anonymously, put things in perspective.

I had considered recently doing some post swaps with another blogger, as we shared similar, problems so to speak, with drugs etc. However, his blog also dedicates a lot of posts to his faith in god and I do not want to bring religion into my blog.

I am definitely open to guest posting. I guess I am just waiting for the right blogger, the right subject and the right time.

3. If your blog had a theme song, what would it be? Why?

I chose this song because I am not afraid to share with my readers, the things I get up to. Those that don't paint me in the best light. I am not always the best person I can be. I have done some things which are morally questionable and quite frankly illegal.

I am not saying I am not ashamed of some of the things I have done but I also realize that they build up the character and I take the opportunity to learn from my mistakes. There are some things I look back on and absolutely cringe.

4. What is your writing process for a post?

It varies, most times, I will just sit in front of my laptop and write about how I am feeling or share an interesting experience. Other times, I will write something in my journal and post it at a later date. Some posts will sit in the draft folder for days even weeks, until I finally get the motivation to finish it.

5. Your blog requires a cute, new, mascot - what would it be?

Ummmmm, I am not big on mascots. I could try and find something that reflects my free spirited nature, my laid back attitude but I genuinely can't think of anything. A bird? a butterfly?.
Maybe someone out there could think of a mascot and leave it in the comments.

6. Do you feel you express your "true self" on your blog?

Yes, 100%. I have been blogging for almost 4 years. It has been the most consistent thing in my life during that time and I pride myself on the fact that I am true to myself and I think some of the things I have written over the years are testament to that fact.

7. What is your biggest online pet-peeve?

When people do these type of Meme's and give one word answers or 'What kind of question is this?' sarcastic replies. For instance if a question ask's 'What are you most looking forward to' and the reply is 'Finishing this stupid meme'.

One word answers don't offer anything to the reader and I can't imagine the writer and derived any enjoyment  from writing it. Bloggers who openly state that they are not enjoying writing the Meme, why the hell are they doing it in the first place.

8. If you could live in a fictional universe, where would you live? Why?

I don't need to live in a fictional universe, as the place I would choose is the place I am.  Those who have read my blog for a while will know about the turmoil I have felt between wanting to be with my family and living in Manchester. I moved home to Dublin just a few weeks and after 10 days I decided to move back to Manchester. After a few days here, I booked a ticket to go back to Dublin and of course you will know, I didn't leave.

I think I know the reason as to why Manchester has such a hold on me, I have the freedom to be who I am, to have my own space. I have always felt, that in Dublin, I have never quite clicked, I didn't fit in. But here, in this city, I feel completely at ease. I was on the train this afternoon, coming back from visiting a friend in Wigan and as the train neared Manchester, I could the see the lights of the city and its skyline and I couldn't help but smile. I am home.

9. You're having a bad day, you're upset, you're angry, or you're sad - what is your go-to comfort?

There are a few go to comforts. Music is a major one, I love to sing and I find that if I belt out some notes, it relieves a lot of stress. Talking to friends is another one. I can call my friend Paul and literally speak for hours about nothing. Another, less healthy stress reliever is drugs. Opiates in particular, Tramadol, Morphine etc.

10. What is your favorite inspirational quote?

I actually have my favourite quote tattoo'd on my wrist. Its a mantra I live by with a lot of conviction. That quote is :
It Will All Work Out In The End'.... and it will. It always does. No matter how bad things get, if you can tell yourself that eventually, it will all come together. Then you don't have to worry to much.

11. If they were to make a movie based on your life, who would play you, your leading lady/man, your best friend, and your rival?

This is a very interesting question. The person that would play me at this age I am now, would be Kellan Lutz. I am not saying I am as beautiful as Kellan, but it is my movie and I will pick who I like. The leading man would be someone like Gerard Butler as I like a rugged older man. Plus the thought if Kellan and Gerard getting it on, is making me pitch a tent.

My best friend would be played by Jake Gyllenhall, a mixture of good looks and intelligence and my rival would be played by Katherine Heigl because the only person I have ever really hated was a cuntish blond girl who made a good friend's life a living hell for months. Skank.

12. Do you think the world is going to end in 2012?

No. But I am looking forward to run up to the December 12th, when every crazy person in the world starts getting rid of their stuff, quitting their jobs or spending their live savings all because they think it will. There is going to be a lot of depressed people on December 13th.

13. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Although, I have learnt to accept them as I have gotten older and they are no longer a major insecurity issue I once had, If I was given the opportunity to do it, then I would have my teeth fixed. It's very expensive to do though and I have no idea when I would be able to afford it.

14. What is your favorite season and why?

Autumn. It always has been, I like the shorter evenings, the warm days but cooler nights. The colours of the trees' and the leaves. The sunsets and of course, my favourite holiday. Halloween.

15. You've been bitten by a vampire. Would you fight it with all your undead being or would you embrace it for all it is worth?

I don't know, It depends on the whole 'having no soul'. I guess I would embrace it, go for the whole long black leather coat, coffin and castle and of course the Austrian accent. Go for a whole Dracula vibe.

16. Have you personally met any of your blogger friends?

Yes, I have met a couple. Both living in Dublin. I would like to meet a few more. There are some bloggers whom I think would make great friends in the 'real world'.

17. What does your favorite pair of underwear look like?

I am a boxers guy. I don't go intricate patterns or design, so the majority of my boxers are plain black. I have a couple of designer pairs in grey I whip out for dates or fucks.

18. Have you ever drank something right from the container in the refrigerator knowing other people will have to drink out of the same container later?

Yes, anyone that says they haven't is a filthy liar!

19. What is your favorite word and explain why?

Sporadically. All because of Brittany Murphy and how it is used in Clueless. 'I hope not sporadically'

20. 2011 is soon coming to a close, is there anything you'd like to do different on your blog in the year 2012?

I would like to reach a bigger audience, gain some new followers. I would be lying if I said I don't need people to read my blog and I just do it for the pleasure. I like the idea, that people read my blog and especially if they enjoy reading it.